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Elections & Planning Meeting

Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 5:00 p.m

Elections & Planning Meeting

by Mike Bailey


Where: Bountiful Mazda; Upstairs Conference Room

Date & Time:  Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.

Dinner Menu:  Pizza and Salad provided by club


Our annual Election and Planning Meeting will be on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.  at our usual place in the Conference Room (upstairs) at Bountiful Mazda.  We are making the menu really easy this year and voted on this at the Christmas party. Our Dinner menu will be Pizza and Salad and Cookies for dessert with bottled water provided by the Club.  The club will take care of all the food this year so no pot luck menu items will be necessary as reported last month.  


We will conduct our annual Elections Meeting first and elect "New" Club Officers & Directors for the 2016 year.  Please let any current officer know by the January luncheon if you are interested in running for any one of the open positions which will be President, Vice President and two Director's positions.  Also let us know if you would like to nominate anyone for one of these positions, but let them know of this in advance as a courtesy so they may accept or decline the invitation.  After election of Officers, we will appoint and ratify the other appointed positions available for club members.  Remember this is your club so please join the team of great leaders that we have had in the past and run for an office.


After the elections we will have the 2016 Planning Meeting.  This is where we discuss the major activities and drives for the year and do a basic outline in planning them.  Be sure to bring a Calendar with you if you have one.  We like to have a different club member be in charge each month of the year for planning the luncheon place or type of luncheon we will have as well as plan a drive or activity.  You can plan this with two or three couple friends if you like, so not one couple has all the responsibility.  Put on your thinking caps and let's plan some new activities or drives this year and try something different.  It is good to get new ideas from new club members on what you want to do.  The success of this club depends on new ideas from all the people in the club.  Hope to see everyone at this event.   It will be a great way to start off the new year!


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