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Elections and Planning 2018 

Our Annual Election and Planning Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Conference Room upstairs at Bountiful Mazda.  We plan to have a simple dinner such as pizza or something easy like this as we have had the past couple years.  A pot luck dessert or treats from members will go along with this.  More to follow on exactly what we will have will be forthcoming.  Please plan to attend this meeting and event as this is when we elect new officers for the 2018 year.  If there is anyone interested in running for club officers or directors positions, we will be taking nominations from now until the evening of the meeting, and do nominations during the meeting.  New officers will then be elected by ballot or show of hands by those in attendance. The club President will step down to be one of three Directors of the club.  We will nominate a new President and Vice President.  We assume that Jim & Margie Newson will want to continue being Club Secretary and Treasurer, respectively, as they both have done a wonderful job the past several years.  We will also be nominating two new Directors.  Please let any of the current club officers or directors know of your interest in any of these positions or if you would like to fulfill any one of these positions yourself.  

We also will have our annual Event Planning meeting following the elections.  The new President will take over the meeting at this point. This is when we plan our major events for the year and schedule them on the calendar.  We also plan each of the monthly luncheons and are looking for members to want to take responsibility of organizing the monthly meeting and plan a place to have it as well as plan a drive.  You don't have to lead the drive if you don't want to, but can participate in the planning of it.  We hope that a lot of the new members will participate in this.  Please plan to attend as this is always a fun event.

Thank you for visiting our website!

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