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About Us

The Utah Miata club was formed in 1991, and is one of the oldest established Miata clubs in the United States. Our club celebrated it's 30th Anniversary in 2021. When Mazda created the Miata Club of America (MCA), which later became the Miata Owners Club (MOC), our club was the official chapter for Utah. Even though the MCA and MOC are now gone, our club continues to grow with an average member base of over 152 members and growing.
Each month we have a club luncheon to discuss the upcoming month’s activities and calendar of events. The luncheon is usually on the first Saturday morning at 11:30 a.m. at one of our local restaurants. The location changes from month to month. At this luncheon we offer a “door prize” drawing (or two) in which a gift is given by drawing a lucky number ticket. We also honor those members in attendance who have a birthday in the upcoming month by giving them a gift. This is why we ask for your birth-date on our application. We conduct any club business and discuss events, planned drives and activities and ask for participation from members on what they would like to do for upcoming events. This is “your” club, so we want everyone to get involved in planning activities and rides. We discuss impromptu rides, day rides, overnight events and various annually planned activities. Events and activities are planned in the early Spring for most weekends throughout the Summer and into late Fall. Some of our Annual Activities are: Tech Day, A Polar Day Ride (first ride of the season, usually in March), Summer Bar B Q (July or Aug.), Crazy Hat Drive, usually a Road Rally, and our Fall Leaf Drive (Sept/Oct). We also have other annual events such as a Planning Meeting and Club Officer’s Election at the summer picnic. In colder months in which our Miatas are tucked away in the garage, we plan other indoor activities (plays, theater) to do and also have our annual Halloween and Christmas Holiday Party. In other words, there is always something FUN to do in the Utah Miata Club.
The Utah Miata Club has several sponsors where you can purchase parts and services at a discounted rate; and if you are looking for a new or previously owned/pampered car, Bountiful Mazda will provide you the best price available. Bountiful Mazda is our 'main' Club Sponsor and also offers Club Members a 10% discount on parts and services and provides each new person who purchases a new vehicle with a one year’s paid membership to the Utah Miata Club as a token of appreciation for purchasing a new vehicle. A “Tires for Life” program, offering FREE tires for the life of your new Miata, is offered as well ,as long as you use the dealer for servicing your vehicle. The Mazda dealer owner, Mike "Mac" MacDonald, also owns Orem Mazda. These are just a few of the benefits of membership.
We publish a full color Monthly Club Newsletter, called "Ragtops to Ridges", where you can read about past and future events, member spotlights, highlights of what is happening in the club and product reviews. Some features include our "From the Top Down" article submitted each month on page one by the current Club President, Miata of the Month, Miata Tidbits, Vanity License Plate of the Month, Candid Camera (photos of club members at activities) and highlights of drives and activities. New club promotional items such as Club Car Magnetics, Apparel (hats, shirts, jackets etc.) are featured for purchase to club members. The club also supports Community events, for instance in the past, the Huntsman Cancer Institute's Cancer Awareness (we call it "Cancer Sucks") and we collected donations for their cause. Additionally several members have competed in SCCA Solo2 (auto-cross) in their Miatas. (We patronize the Utah Motor Sports Campus in events.
Other specialty Miata Events: Our Utah Miata Club has been actively involved in other local, regional, and national events. Some of our members regularly travel to other states to participate in both regional, nationwide, and also international events. We list some of the links to these events from time to time on our website and newsletter. There are hundreds of Miata Clubs within the United States and Canada as well as across the world. Our club has hosted a very successful event called “Miatas in Moab” four times since 2003. (The latest event, Moab V, was held on May 3-6, 2012). Each time the attendance and popularity has grown. In May of 2007 and May 2010 (Moab III & IV), we hosted almost 300 cars with almost 550 Miata people representing over 45 different Miata clubs across the country and Canada from over 35 states. We have “Miata Friends” from all over the United States and Canada and even some in Europe whom we are personal friends with. We are also invited to participate in their events. We have also participated in going on cruises together on major cruise ship lines. Our motto is this: We want to Have Fun! We want to put that famous “Miata Grin” on your face. We call it “Miata-tude”.
For those that live in Southern UTAH area, there is a group of enthusiasts there called The Day Trippers Sports Car Club. They have a FACEBOOK page: (
And, we have our "infamous" RED LOBSTER award. No, it is not a gift certificate to the restaurant of the same name. Rather , it is an award given to Club Members for driving events. So, to learn about our prestigious award, you will the details here.
So fill out that Application. Join the Party and Have some FUN. This is what it is all about. (See Join Us Page).
Zoom – Zoom from your Miata Club Officers and Directors
This is “your” club, so we want everyone to get involved in planning activities and rides.
2023-24 Club Officers & Directors
President: Mike Thompson
Vice President: Ken Jaworski
Director: Robert Mechling
Director: Carol Lynn Vredeveld
Director: Susan Christiansen
Secretary: Jim Newson
Treasurer: Margie Newson
Parliamentarian: Gordon Nicholl

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