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UMC Christmas Party Holiday idea: RSVP Required!


Due to the unusual situation this year, our annual  UMC Christmas Party plans have changed. We propose a movie get together at the  Megaplex Theater at the South Jordan District Theater.   The club will have the entire theater, but we need at least 25 people to reserve it!  The club will pay the admission price along with popcorn, a fountain drink, and a candy item for every guest. Any other purchase at the theater will have to be paid by attendee. 


A likely movie choice is the new comedy release “The War with Grandpa” with Robert De Niro because a smile at this time of COVID-19 would be welcome.  Maximum quantity for the theater is 43 (as theater is only filled to 50% capacity) due to distancing. Only club members can participate and will be reserved first come, first serve. Social distancing and wearing masks (except when eating) will be required. The date will be  Saturday, December 5th for a  mid-afternoon Matinee, the same as our original Christmas Holiday Party.  Other details such as movie time and theater will be sent out once we have the count on those attending and the agreement signed with the theater. 


 As we need at least 25 attendees, Mike is keeping a formal list of those committing to come to see if at least 25 do. If so, he will reserve up to 43 seats. Please respond to this email by returning an email to Mike Bailey; or by text (phone;  801-597-1456 with your names.  We will have the sign up list at the November 7th luncheon and meeting as well.  Mike needs a final count by November 25th, the day before Thanksgiving.  We will not be having our traditional 'White Elephant' gift exchange this year, but you are welcome to wear any Christmas or Holiday attire to the event.  The address of The District's Megaplex Theater is 3161 W. Parkway Plaza (off 11400 S. & Bangerter Hwy.) South Jordan.


Mike Bailey


Utah Miata Club


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