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Annual Picnic- Club Officers Election- Planning Meeting

Saturday July 17  4:00 pm

6410 South 725 East Murray 84107 By: Hank Pond


The club summer picnic last year was sure different with pandemic masking and with little opportunity to mingle and visit, so we’d like to make up for that this year!

This year’s picnic will be held in Murray behind a church that will afford us privacy and a large enough venue that we won’t need to share with anyone else. You will not need to bring camp chairs with you unless you would like to. This location will have running water and bathroom facilities as well.

Food will be provided by the club. South of the Border food truck (same food truck from the last two years will be there). Feel free to bring a dessert to share if you’d like to. No pressure.

We will be handling club business while enjoying good food and company.

Club officers elections will be held at this meeting. If you’d like to serve as a club  officer, you’re welcome to put your name on the ballot. All positions will be for 1 year (until the next club election) at the next summer picnic.

Planning will be undertaken at this meeting. This is an opportunity to discuss any and all thoughts for events as a club. Long trips, short trips, activities, whatever! We can calendar together and ensure that we always have something worth sharing as a group.

Club Bylaws will be discussed and amendments considered and voted on. It has become clear that we need to be able to adapt to situations that arise from time to time in order to keep the Utah Miata Club viable. To this end we have considered amending the language in the club bylaws to better suit our current needs.  Here are the proposed changes we will be voting on:

“Annual Meeting

1. The annual meeting shall be held in January each year at a time and location determined by the President Executive Board for the purpose of electing club officers and for other purposes as deemed appropriate by the President Executive Board.

2. The President Executive Board shall provide prior notification of the date, time and location of the annual meeting in the  December newsletter.

Standing Rule

1. Election of club officers along with annual planning meeting is typically held in conjunction with the annual summer club picnic.

2 .Individuals in charge of club drives are expected to arrange for the meeting place and possible lunch arrangements for that drive.”


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