Holiday Party Reminder, December 3rd
RSVP by Monday, November 28th
Additional details will be in next month’s newsletter but in the meantime, here’s a heads up so you can put the Holiday Party on your calendar and RSVP (required please). It will be held at the Sandy Lone Peak Park Pavilion (where we had it last year) 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Address is 10140 South 700 East, Sandy (Enter off 700 East for pavilion parking in front of the venue).
The dinner will be provided by the club and will be similar to last year; turkey, ham, scallop potatoes, rolls, soft drinks and water (no alcohol allowed), etc., with cake for dessert.
Please RSVP no later than November 28th to Margie or Jim Newson at: 801 295-4563 or email (We will need a head count to order the food).
As always, we will have a “White Elephant” gift exchange. Please bring a gift for each person that would like to participate. This can be a funny gift, a recycled gift, or something you purchase. ($30 or less per person).