September Luncheon and Drive
by Mike Bailey
When: Saturday, September 14, 2024
Place: Leatherby’s Creamery-Taylorsville, 1872 W. 5400 S. Taylorsville, UT. 84118
Time: 11:30 am. We will meet in the private dining room.
We will meet in the private dining room at north end of restaurant. We will have our regular club meeting. We will discuss the remaining 2024 calendar schedule of events and also try to line up more monthly drives for 2025, so we’d appreciate any members input on this and what you’d like to do for 2025.
Mirror Lake Drive details:
Parley’s Canyon to Kamas to Provo River Falls
After the business meeting we will line up for a drive up to Kamas and then stop at the Chevron station (for a pit stop and their famous donuts, etc. if they are still available). We will travel up Parley’s Way and turn off south on Hwy. 40 to Kamas Exit. We will then drive east up the Mirror Lake Highway and possibly stop at the Provo River Falls turn-out if the parking lot is not full and traffic is not busy. If busy there, we’ll try and make the stop on way home.. We will proceed up to Bald Mountain Pass for a possible photo stop and/or on to Mirror Lake. We’ll stop for another break here and hopefully we’ll find parking. A nice rest room is here! We’ll enjoy the lake and then you’re on your own to go back home. We will lead the drive back home as well. Some may want to go to Evanston, Wyoming or any other alternate drive route to get home. It has been awhile since we did this drive, so it should be a fun one and it should be much cooler in the mountains. Our drive will officially end at Mirror Lake. Photos below are of previous Mirror Lake Provo Falls drives.