Halloween Party By: Jan Jaworski
The Miata Halloween Party will be held at Ken and Jan Jaworski's home on Saturday, October 26th at 5 PM. The address is 3740 Wagon Wheel Way in Park City. We suggest you use the Jeremy Ranch/Pinebrook Exit off I-80. We live up hill from Billy Blanco's restaurant and the grocery store. We ask that you carpool if possible. Our driveway holds about 8 cars and we suggest that you park on our side of the street if possible. Our house is on a steep hill on the bend with a flat driveway. (Note after they repaved our street during the summer there is now a good size drop off on the other side of the street.)
We ask that you be Moose smart as they roam and have right of way in our neighborhood. Cody our friendly dog will probably great you as you arrive.
Ken and Jan will provide the main course, guests are asked to bring a a pot luck dish like salad or dessert. This is BYOB and if you wish for a soft drink please bring it (Jan has been carbonated free for 20 years). We will have bottled water. There will be prizes for costumes so now is the time to get creative.
Note:Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 23rd. You can do this at the October lunch meeting, thru the club Facebook page or contacting Ken & Jan or the newsletter editor. We hope to see you at this fun event!